Nathan Good, PhD

Dr. Nathan Good is a Partner Technologist to the International Digital Accountability Council (IDAC.)
Dr. Nathan Good is the partner technologist to the International Digital Accountability Council (IDAC.) A fundamental goal of his work is to assist companies in creating networked systems devices and services that are simple, secure and respectful of people's privacy.
Currently, Nathan is the Principal of Good Research and CEO of AppCensus and Faculty in Information School in UC Berkeley, where he teaches in the Master of Informations and Data Science (MIDS) and Master of Information and Cybersecurity (MICS) programs. Good specializes in user experience research, modeling and investigating behavior where design overlaps with data, including systems for knowledge management, consumer privacy, sales support, security and forensic tools, health care, and recommender systems.
Prior to Good Research, Nathan was at PARC, Yahoo and HP research labs. At Berkeley, he worked with TRUST and the Samuelson Law & Technology Clinic and was a member of the 2007 California Secretary of State Top-to-Bottom Review of Electronic Voting Systems.
Nathan has published extensively on user experience studies, privacy, and security related topics and holds patents on software technology for multimedia systems and event analysis and is a co-author of the UC Berkeley web privacy census. His research has been reported on in the Economist, New York Times, CNN and ABC and he has testified on his research before the House, Senate and FTC. Nathan’s recent work on Privacy and Design was recognized for a best paper award at the Privacy Law Scholars Conference, and was featured in both IAPP and the Future of Privacy Forums top six Privacy Papers for Policy Makers. Nathan has a Ph.D. in Information Science and a M.S. in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley.